HIV + Me

The UK Government has committed to ending all new transmissions of HIV by 2030. In the lead up to this World AIDS Day (1 Dec), we’ve teamed up with Dibby Theatre and HIV charity George House Trust to bring you three remarkable stories about life with HIV today.

HIV+Me showcases three ordinary people from Greater Manchester living with HIV and their extraordinary stories in three beautifully shot short films. 

Directed by award-winning theatre maker and HIV activist Nathaniel Hall, the films tell the story of HIV from the terrifying early days of GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency) through to the modern day where people don’t just survive but thrive with HIV.


Mark revisits the squat he used to call home on Claremont Road and reflects how a positive diagnosis marked the beginning of a new life.


Paul remembers the lovers and friends he lost whilst fighting and campaigning from a grotty basement just off Canal Street.


And Yvonne recalls a lifetime of hiding in the shadows before she found something inside so strong that now helps her help others.


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